Saturday, December 4, 2010

Picture with Santa

On the first Saturday of December the plaza my best friend works at held an event called Shopping in a Winter Wonderland. The different stores had discounts on items, activities and Santa came for a visit. I got to be Santa and Mrs Claus' personal photographer. For people that wanted their picture taken with Santa I asked for a donation. During the few hours I was able to donate $60 to the Shepard's pantry in Windham.

I was also able to get my picture taken with Santa.
Another task done. Many more to go!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hot air balloon ride

In the last post I had said that my boyfriend Jared and I were planning on going on a hot air balloon ride.  We unfortunately were unable to go due to strong winds.  And he no longer is my boyfriend.  He's my FIANCE!!!!  Jared had planned to ask me to marry him at the picnic that would have followed the hot air balloon ride.  He was afraid that our rescheduled date would have been cancelled too.  Which ended up happening.

A few days before he had asked my mom for my hand in marriage, which was so sweet of him.  When I called her to let her know the flight had been cancelled she frantically called Jared once we hung up asking what he was going to do now!?!?

So we went out to see the movie "Life as we know it."  It ended up being a good movie.  As we were walking to the car he had said how beautiful of a night it was.  Once we got in the car he asked to see my hands and I jokingly said to him that he only needed one hand.  I let him hold my left hand and I looked out the window.  At the same time he was moving around a lot trying to get something out of his pocket.  He said a lot of sweet things...and asked me to marry him.  Of course I said yes after I said are you kidding me?? over and over with tears falling from my eyes.

Even though we were unable to go on a beautiful hot air balloon ride --It was still a perfect day.  Someday we will go when the weather cooperates.  We are planning on getting married in October 2012!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

No fast for one month!!

The first task that I started for my day zero project was no fast food for one month!  Today marks the end of this task.  I also have stayed away from soda during the time I choose to stop eating greasy unhealthy food!  This decision has helped me lose 12 lbs!!!  I feel so much better, I have more energy and I am so close to finishing lucky #13 on my list which is to lose 20lbs! 

I am going to keep fast food out of my diet as I can continue to make smart choices when it comes to my health.

Upcoming tasks
#18 I have purchased a bike now I just need to see where the road takes me!
#8 October 18th Jared and I are going for a hot air balloon ride!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Zumba fitness

Lauren, Danielle M and Danielle T joined me at a Zumba class on 9/24.  It was a lot of fun but also a whole lot of work.  We were at a bit of a disadvantage seeing as everyone else in the class already knew all the moves.  I was at an even bigger disadvantage since I am not coordinated whatsoever.  There was so much movement going on with the arms, legs and hips that I found myself only doing the arm movements and slacking on the foot work or vise-versa.  It was a great workout and I hope to attend another class at the same place or at the gym Jared and I will be joining soon!


On Wednesday September 29, 2010 I sent out 5 postcards to addresses that I received from  Today I actually received a confirmation that the postcard traveling 8978 miles had reached it's destination in New Zealand.  The other postcards are heading to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany and Austria.  Since Janette (hey there!) has registered my postcard I will be able to start receiving postcards from people all around the world. 

Eventhough my 101 list shows that I only wanted to send one postcard I decided to send all five that I am allowed to at one time.  Everytime someone registers that they received a postcard that I sent I can send another one out and my address will also be given to someone so they can send me one.  So my next one will be going to Carla in Alabama.  Who doesn't like getting mail? 

Nothing echoes like an empty mailbox.
-Charlie Brown

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Make a piece of jewelry

For a co-workers birthday I made her a bracelet as a gift.  I bought a bunch of beads so I could complete another task on my Day Zero project.  I saw the purple beads and thought of her.  It was nice to make my first piece of jewelry for someone else. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Marini Farm - Corn Maze

Today my boyfriend Jared and I went to Marini Farms in Ipswich Mass.  I had searched for corn mazes in the area and the one we ended up going to seemed to be the closest and also it was the first day the maze was opened for the season!  It was a beautiful cool day out so we figured we'd spend it getting lost (or not so lost in our case) in a corn field. 

Once in the corn maze we looked over the map and got on our way.  After a while of choosing paths that were correct we tried to find a way that would bring us to a dead end.  No such luck.  There were different stations throughout the maze and different colored ribbon so you could see your progress in getting to the end.  We ended up finding our way out of the 8 acre maze pretty quickly but there were no signs saying finish or anything of that nature so we back tracked to a map and decided it must have been the exit.  All in all we had a really great time.  We stopped at the Loft in North Andover before heading home for the night.

1 down ... 100 more to go!!
Day zero project

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day Zero

Thanks to a friend of mine I learned about a project called Day Zero.  It is a website that allows you to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days.  I love the idea and have decided to try it out for myself.  I have not completed my list yet but the work in progress can be viewed here

Along with using this blog to share my photography (which I've been slacking to do)...I will also share when I complete tasks through pictures, video or just words.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Here comes the sun!

With all the rain we've had in the past few weeks I'm looking forward to the coming summer. March 2010 was the second rainiest month on record. Close to 17 inches. During two different weeks I unfortunately had to deal with water in our basement, which just so happens to be my room. This past Wednesday reached 90 in spots of New England. Hopefully this is the start of a long lasting trend.

The above picture was taken back in 2007 at a week vacation to Salisbury beach with my three best friends. With this blog I hope to get back into photography, while sharing my artwork with friends, family and anyone that wants to see my world through my lens.